Featured Products
Products / Category
Forage Harvesters, heads ...
Forage Trailers and Mixer
Side and rear forage boxes, vertical mixer...
Silage - Silo Bag
Silage system from 50kg to 60 tons.
Manure and compost spreaders .
Compost and Manure
Simple, tipping and scissors trailers...
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Silage Bags
Bags of 5 and 6 feet, 50kg bags. Plastic...
About Us
Ideagro is a company with 15 years of experience producing and assembling machinery for the agricultural sector.
We offer reliable machines, at a reasonable prices that perform well their job, allowing more small and medium farmers and ranchers to produce and compete more efficiently. We contribute to sustainability in the field and allow many people to improve their living conditions.
For us, it is important the sustainable of the field and the environment. We take the after sales service very seriously and try to maintain the best possible relationships with our customers. The satisfaction of our customers is one of our greatest rewards.
Contact Us
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Main Office
Spare Parts
Technical Service
PBX: (57) 6296010
Calle 20 # 13 - 23 - Capellanía
Cajicá - Colombia