Home > Products > Compost and Manure > Compost Turner Agraris 2,20
The use of compost in the fields provides the soil with organic matter, organic nutrients, microbial inoculation, suppression of some plant pathogens and flexibility in the application times; besides the possibility of certifying crops as organic.
This is an equipment that allows aeration in a simple and effective way, helps to compost inside the farm and allows more producers benefit from the production and use of compost. With the Agraris equipment series from Ideagro, you can turn your compost guaranteeing the conservation of your chemical properties.
Designed for the most difficult conditions and materials, our machine do the work clean and organized. The compost turner Agraris 2,20 model, is a machine designed to perform the task of turns the material to be composted, during long days in a reliable manner.
It can be propelled by a tractor that oscillates between 40 and 90 HP, with speed reducer (Under 0,6 Km/h). The parts used in the manufacture process robust and durable, and ease of find in the local market. The height is controlled by hydraulic cylinders.